Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mightier Than the Sword

What, in reading about the history of American journalism, surprised you the most? A particular incident? A particular personage? A particular development or trend? Briefly explain why (but in more than one hurried sentence). Please post your response by 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Locus Novus

Under "Links," you'll find the site "Locus Novus." Please visit it. Examine one of the hybrid word-image videos posted on the site. Then respond before class on Mon., Oct. 27, to the following question: Does the work you examined contradict or confirm Keen's claim that Web 2.0 is destroying culture with its blatant amateurism and stealth corporatism? Explain your reasoning.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Web 2.0

Read the handout from the book Deep Ecology. Apply the questions it asks of technology to Web 2.0. Based on Andrew Keen's analysis and/or your own experience, does Web 2.0 meet the critetia for a "fully informed, appropriate technology"? Why or why not? Please post your response by the start of class, Thursday, Oct. 23.

Warning: You must proofread your posts. Sloppy, ungrammatical, incoherent writing is unacceptable.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Cult of the Amateur

In his book, Andrew Keen complains about "a flattening of our culture." What do you think he means by that phrase and why does the phrase -- or, more precisely, what it represents -- seem to scare him so much? Please respond prior to class, Monday, Oct. 20.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Please examine the pbwiki below (and listed in Links). This is the direction the final project is leaning, though I'm open and even eager for your input as to how the wiki and the assignment might be revised to take advantage of the particular talents and interests of each of you. As I've created user accounts for each student, you should leave comments directly on the wiki's front page by class Monday, Oct. 6, when we'll discuss your ideas.